Archive for March, 2010



After this long winter, which, although we had loads of snow, was very dark and dreary because of repeated fog and mist, the first warmer days come as a relief. From next to now everything seems sprouting and growing; the crocuses having just blossomed, are almost gone now, only to be followed by daffodils and tulips on the spot. Somehow everything seems to be happening at the same time.
I used to have an almost photographic memory, which I find dwindling, however, as I’m getting older. It becomes increasingly necessary to take notes and stick little memos everywhere so as not to forget anything important. Nevertheless, this has also got its positive aspects: Particularly this spring is full of surprises. There are so many bulbs coming up that I can’t remember planting, that I keep walking through my garden in wonder. Isn’t it a blessing that just when you think you know and have seen everything, life keeps new impressions in store?